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Grace your home and turn your flo or s into pieces of art with this enchanting natural tulum rug. Its a lovely piece, which will definitely brighten up your space and introduce some diversity into your rooms. This rug is a high quality piece made in Turkey, which is machine woven from high grade heat-set polypropylene and has no backing. Its part of the Halen collection, and its unique pallete will give a charming contemp or ary feel to the atmosphere of your home. As f or measurements, they are 1/4 f or height, 106 f or width, and 156 f or depth. To care f or it, vaccum it regularly and spot clean any stains. Its also recommended that you have it professionally cleaned ocassionally. If you want a good looking and practical rug that can fit in well with any interi or , this is the one f or you.
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